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Childhood Rivals becoming Friends & Secret Lovers.Bottom Ash/Trainer/Monster Harem Shock Play Language: English Words: 3,545 Chapters: 2/? Comments: 5 Kudos: 58 Bookmarks: 17 Hits: 1494Īsh Ketchum's Wild Kanto & Orange Island Journey'sīud16 Fandoms: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime) Through bonding this way Ash discovers the power of mega evolution/primal evolution. Not only can Ash use pokemon moves now, he's also awakened his libido and seeks to be fucked by both trainer and monster alike.

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It awakens desires and powers inside him. In a blind rage it bites Ash giving him features from the Electrike/Manetrick line. They experiment with an Electrike, it escapes and encounters Ash and the gang. Team Aqua is trying to harness the primal forces. PaperFox19 Fandoms: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types Bottom Ash/Pokemon/Trainer Language: English Words: 39,750 Chapters: 15/? Comments: 46 Kudos: 365 Bookmarks: 98 Hits: 26852 You’d be surprised how pokemon cum effects the body. Ash uses these new balls to become a better trainer catching new pokemon to bond with. In the Johto Region there are special balls that can be made through apricorn. Satoshi no Fushigidane | Ash Ketchum's Bulbasaur.Satoshi no Pikachu | Ash Ketchum's Pikachu.PaperFox19 Fandoms: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime)

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